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Dafanews Ghana

Premier League put restrictions ahead of the start of team training

Football   |   May 13, 2020


The premier league has laid down new guidelines as regards team training once it starts with pitches set to be disinfected, players grouped into five, and the ban of tackling.

All these will be in full force immediately the first phase of team training starts, and according to the Official protocols, managers and players have been told to strictly observe social distancing.

Training are expected to last 75 minutes while managers want to start on Monday with Corner-flags, cones, playing surfaces, balls, and goalposts to be disinfected after every training session.

Furthermore, players will be tested twice weekly and daily pre-testing with daily temperature check and pre-training questionnaire.

According to the official protocol cited on BBC, Under a section titled ‘health screening,’ players are also told a central register of Covid-19 test results (subject to their consent and Professional Footballers’ Association agreement) will need to be maintained.

“Recommended “control measures” include “meticulous personal hygiene and use of PPE [personal protective equipment], no congregation in communal areas, including but not limited to medical rooms and gym areas,” The protocol also stated.

Players are expected to come to training individually, which means they cannot share transports as public transports as well as team vehicles can’t be used.

Meanwhile, the Premier League, PFA, medical staff, and the players will have a meeting On Wednesday.

Also, UK’s prime Minister Boris Johnson stated that sports or cultural activities could not return until June 1st at the earliest, while there will be a need for Government approval before the next phase of training, which will involve contact will be allowed.

The project restart of the premier league has seen lower table clubs go against playing on neutral grounds, and the Premier League has as well stated that the season cannot be concluded as it stands neither can relegation be scrapped.


Written by: Daniel Ademiju Idowu